The Players

"How did we get here?" you may ask. This move to the far right has been in the works for a very long time. It took a big leap with The Tea Party because they knew how to use propaganda and misinformation better than their predecessors, but it was going on during Gingrich's first tour of duty and even before that. It took Donald Trump to push this over the top, as he used the pandemic to create further doubt in our systems, and as he normalized bigotry and hatred. The GOP is only too willing to follow his lead. It should be noted that much of what is going on today is actually pushed and funded by the Tea Party Patriot Foundation. They are still in the game.

The Players

The GOP Seditionists

A  total of 147 members of the GOP voted to overturn the legitimate 2020 election of Joe Biden. That is 147 members of a legislative body totaling 221, making it more than half. Many of these legislators have declined to comment further about whether they really believe the election was "stolen" from Donald Trump. Their willingness to vote, yet unwillingness to speak on the subject, highlights their cowardice.

Those in the party who are more vocal and who  continue to promote "The Big Lie" are much more dangerous than their cowardly cohorts. We will highlight them.

Of the 221 elected GOP legislators, 147 voted to overturn a legitimate election. You can read about it here and here.

GOP House/Senate Members

These are current GOP members of the House and Senate who continue to promote The Big Lie, spread propaganda and other misinformation, and espouse dangerous ideologies

Marjorie Taylor Greene


Since her election, Marjorie Taylor Greene has just about insulted and alienated everyone who isn't white. Her personal Twitter account was suspended for repeated COVID-19 misinformation violations and she

was stripped of her committee assignments after making racist and anti-Semitic comments, advancing baseless conspiracy theories and calling for violence against her Democratic counterparts. She has continually defended the events of January 6, 2021 and took to the stage with Matt Gaetz to give the official GOP defense of the insurrection.

Lauren Boebert


Lauren Boebert has also exhibited an affinity for hate-filled anti-Muslim commentary. In particular, she made comments that Rep. Ilhan Omar was a terrorist and a suicide bomber. It has also been reported in Rolling Stone that organizers of the insurrection told the J6 Committee that they met with several lawmakers prior to the riot, one of them being Boebert.

Paul Gosar


“Outright propaganda and lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding U.S. citizens, especially Trump voters." That is Paul Gosar's vision of what happened on the day of the insurrection. All of that video evidence must have been, well, Trumped-up. Gosar has been one of Trump's most strident supporters. He was also stripped of his committee assignments for posting a violent video depicting the killing of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Madison Cawthorn

R-North Carolina

Just about everything that comes out of Madison Cawthorn's mouth is a lie. His entire life "story" is just that. A story. He has lied about his education. He has lied about the events that put him in a wheelchair. He has lied about his supposed military career. And he is one of the biggest purveyors of The Big Lie on behalf of his mentor, Donald Trump. It should also be noted that he is another who uses threats of violence if elections continue to be "rigged" against The Orange Jackaloon. As of this writing, it was revealed that Cawthorn carried multiple weapons on January 6, 2021 and armed those around him.

NOTE: Cawthorn was defeated by state Senator Chuck Edwards in the primary. He immediately started a new PAC. He is young. He will be back.

Mo Brooks


Mo Brooks has been another vocal supporter of The Big Lie that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. He calls the insurrection a 'first amendment protest' against rigged elections, yet he wore body armor the  on that day. Ali Alexander, the far right activist  who played a big role in planning the Stop the Steal Rally told the J6 Commission that Mo Brooks was involved in the planning. Additionally, a former McCarthy staffer says that Brooks was cheering the insurrectionists on as many of the legislators fled to safety. Time will tell just how involved he was.

Jim Jordan


Jim Jordan's involvement in the J6 insurrection is still murky, mostly because he refuses to cooperate. He was one of the chosen members for the initial J6 Commission, but was rejected by Nancy Pelosi, and for good reason. His loyalty to Trump would have been a massive conflict of interest. We do know that he spoke with Trump for 10 minutes on the day of the riot. Jordan himself admits to speaking with Trump several times that day but can remember just about nothing.   Like a good Trump minion, Jordan continues to rail against the J6 Commission at every opportunity. Perhaps it's because the composition of this commission makes him nervous. Time will tell.

Matt Gaetz


Matt Gaetz is certainly one of Donald Trump's most loyal minions, who spends quite a bit of time pumping up the insurrection as something to be proud of. He has also embraced has-been Newt Gingrich's assertion that if the GOP takes back power, they should and will punish those on the J6 Commission. Not only is his political soul mate in legal hot water, but Gaetz himself is. He's being investigated for sex trafficking at 17-year-old, and much has unfolded over the past year on this front. He fits the perfect profile of the up-and-coming GOP candidate. No character required.

Ted Cruz 


The progression to right-wing Christian nationalism and fascism has been a long project. Where we are today is due, in large part, to the Tea Party. Ted Cruz was one of its original members, and he has been courting and supporting Trump for a long time. Cruz continues to promote The Big Lie to this day and, as we will discuss a bit later in this website, these baseless claims have helped the GOP to pass state voter suppression laws under the guise of protecting elections. The right wing is quite adept at double speak, and Ted Cruz's speech after Trump lost the election is a perfect example of how it's used to give the GOP's most radical right-wing faction the news they want to hear.

Josh Hawley


Josh Hawley was the first senator to question the outcome of the 2020 election, and he has not stopped since. The photo here is Hawley pumping his fist in support of the insurrectionists just prior to breaching the Capitol. He is actually selling mugs with his fist-pumping image imprinted on it to raise money. Josh Hawley is the classic political opportunist. He keeps one foot in his elitist background and the other in the cesspool of misinformation and anti-government ideology of the right-wing voters. It is, however, fair to say that he became enamored with conservative attitudes from a very young age.

These are not the only promoters of The Big Lie; just the most frequent liars. Jody Hice (R-GA), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Scott Perry (R-PA; also not cooperating with the J6 Commission), Ronny Jackson (R-TX) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) have all promoted The Big Lie. It is covered in this article. In the meantime, Kevin McCarthy should not be called a "leader" in any sense of the word. He is a Trump enabler, and has shown little interest in reigning in the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, who continue to make racist, bigoted, and anti-Semitic comments. McCarthy also shows little proof  that he "loves" America, given the fact that he refused to cooperate with the J6 Commission on any level. Let it be said that is the behavior of those who either have something to hide, or who are hiding something for their owners.

Get involved on the ground level; fight back!

It's time to make our voices heard all across America

The American democratic experiment hangs in the balance and we can no longer sit on the sidelines. Women, people of color, LGBT and transgender Americans, indigenous Americans must fight back. Many of us are getting out the midterm 2022 vote. There are many ways to become involved. See below.

Getting involved is your civic duty, and not just when democracy is under siege

Make no mistake about it, our democratic experiment is teetering on the brink of fascism. While it took bad people to help get us here, complacency also played a big role.

For a nation that values civil rights, our voter turnout is ridiculously low. In some cases, Democrats put up 19% in key districts during the midterms. If that is repeated in November, disaster is sure to follow.

Roe v Wade was overturned because we failed as a nation to codify it. Why? Because we never imagined that the unthinkable would happen. Yet, it did after 50 years. It happened because the right wing was determined and worked the system until their opportunity arose. Then they took advantage.

Had we paid attention and engaged in the political system, it may never have come to fruition. If they are returned to power in 2022, they will go for a full nationwide ban on reproductive rights.

We are now faced with a seditious GOP that is telling you what is in your future, including impeaching Joe Biden, disbanding the J6 Committee and creating oversight committees of their own to control the opposition party.

They are already going after other minorities on a state-by-state basis, and this must not be allowed to happen. Check out the Postcards for America website for one way to get involved. They also offer an expanded view of the seditious GOP broken down by state. Everyone must understand what is going on in their states and fight back.

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