Florida Politics

Florida: The Authoritarian State

Florida is the "Sunshine State" as long as you're not a person of color, LGBTQ+, transgender, a teacher, or a woman...

Under the leadership of the Little Fascist, Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida has become an authoritarian hell hole for anyone who isn't white, male and straight

On a personal level, I can't say I've ever loved Florida, even before its descent into a right-wing hell hole. It was always too hot with too many bugs. But now? There are too many Kool Aid-drinking conservatives. Governor Ron DeSantis has been a busy man enacting Trumpian policies since Joe Biden was inaugurated. From the Stop Woke Act (could there be a more juvenile name for a piece of legislation?), to the Don't Say Gay bill, and to his ban on math books due to CRT content, it's clear that the governor has his target audience for reelection and a potential 2024 presidential run all carved out. He has managed to turn Florida into the bastion of bigotry, racism, homophobia, and transphobia in record time. He has learned well from his mentor, The Orange Jackaloon.

Authoritarianism has replaced the "sunshine" in The Sunshine State

There are several states in the country that are indicative of what you can expect from Republican rule if you return them to power. We've gone through the collection of right-wing extremists running and, in some cases, already installed, in Arizona. Florida (or as we affectionately call it here, Flori-DUH) is certainly another state that's an indicator.

Ron DeSantis has championed and signed legislation that has just about disenfranchised every known human with the exception of straight, white Floridians. In order to pass draconian policies as he has done, it's necessary to demonize many different groups, and cause fear of and doubt in certain institutions that can only be "cured" by authoritarian rule.

DeSantis certainly doesn't have the market cornered on this egregious marketing plan, but he has learned well from the GOP in Washington and its past and current leader (you can choose not to admit this, but facts are facts) Donald Trump. In fact, he has been referred to as Trump on Steroids in several circles I frequent. That's because he has one state to work with.

DeSantis and his minions have managed to spread the oppression equally to the LGBTQ+ and transgender communities, people of color, and even teachers. Does he really believe what he's spreading, or is it just for votes? The answer doesn't much matter. What he has done smacks of authoritarianism and is reprehensible no matter what his underlying motivations.

Below we give you a collection of DeSantis' greatest "hits"

More than any other governor, Ron DeSantis has been creating his own authoritarian haven down in Florida, testing the limits of his power on almost a daily basis. It appears that, in Florida, he has no limits. Some have suggested he's not following Trumpism but recreating the kind of authoritarian rule of Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban. DeSantis has become a one-man culture war demolition derby, but he is not passing one ounce of legislation that actually benefits the population as a whole. That is in keeping with GOP tradition. The GOP does not govern. It does not develop policies. The GOP is totally reactionary, obstructing and oppressing those with whom it does not agree. DeSantis has also been criticized for consolidating and expanding his statewide power at the expense of local officials.

01 Transgender Athlete Ban

It started in Jacksonville on the first day of Pride Month, June 1, 2021, when DeSantis signed a bill banning student transgender athletes from competing in female sports based on a non-existent hormonal advantage narrative.

SB 1028 made a female's eligibility for competition contingent on their "biological sex" on birth certificates issued on or "near" the time of a student's birth. Of course, it's all under the guise of protecting "our girls," as if we need a two-bit authoritarian politician to protect us.

And there he is, ever the opportunist, with his smarmy smile and his greasy arm around some hapless little child smiling for the camera. And we're talking about a child who is so young that she certainly doesn't understand what she's smiling for, I promise. You can see it in the linked article.

If that isn't enough symbolism for you, the bill was signed with much fanfare at the Trinity "Christian" Academy.

The party that supposedly rejects "big government" doesn't have a problem with it when they're oppressing their chosen target group. The legislation has been legally challenged. The actual court document can be seen here.

02 The CRT Ban

This egregious piece of garbage legislation is also referred to as The Stop Woke Act. This deceptive naming is designed to make you think teaching the truth about American history is a political issue. It isn't. Teachers are charged with disseminating facts to students, not lying about American history by omission. DeSantis even had the gall to mention MLK when talking about the legislation.

The legislation also prevents business from using diversity training in the workplace. Apparently, the freedom-loving politicians in Florida and their de-facto dictator have a problem with "guilt" but not with racism.

They also seem to have a problem with the snowflakes in their state being emotionally harmed by the truth, but they don't have a problem pretending that slavery, lynching, the KKK, the firebombing of churches, and other forms of oppression never happened, literally wiping out reality for an entire race of people. It's nothing short of disgusting, and actually underscores the virulence of the systemic racism the right wingers claim doesn't exist. 

No teacher teaches students to feel bad about themselves. From my perspective, however, young people are much more resilient than their bigoted elders. If the truth about history makes them feel a little bad about what was done, that's a positive. It's called empathy.

Teaching the truth is the only way to ensure we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. But then, the GOP and its racists aren't concerned about any of that. That's happening again under their watch in real time.

03 The Math Book Myth

We put this here because it relates to the paranoid delusions of the Stop Woke Act. In a show of absurdity, the DeSantis administration conducted a "thorough" investigation into the state of Florida's math book selections and found so many instances of CRT being slipped in that it forced them to ban 54 of the selections.

Apparently, instructions such as encouraging students to listen to one another and work cooperatively is a bit of a problem in the state of Florida. It's totally deceptive of these racist cretins to insinuate that this is about CRT indoctrination. It is merely the new target in the process of dismantling the entire public school system.

You'd have to assume that DeSantis is totally off the rails mentally, or an egregious opportunistic politician. I vote for the latter.

What it all boils down to is the real paranoia for the GOP, a thing called social and emotional learning. That is the one skill they surely do not want the future leaders of America learning.

04 Don't Say Gay, Flori-DUH

In March, DeSantis signed the controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill into law, which prohibits teachers from "teaching" sexual orientation and gender identity in grades K-3. The actual name of the bill is the Parental Rights in Education bill, but what it essentially does is prevent teachers from discussing these subjects should they come up in the classroom setting. The fact of the matter is that teachers do not "teach" sexual orientation or gender identity at all.

These are your tax dollars at work on wasted efforts for problems that do not exist. All of this is about power and pandering for votes. No such "lessons" are being taught in Florida schools, although discussions may come up in the classroom. What if a student asks a question about these topics? What is the teacher supposed to do? Children do not live in a bubble and may be exposed to something outside the classroom that they ask questions about. Do they not deserve a discussion?

Another interesting FACT is that most parents are okay with allowing discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity in a classroom setting, but Ron DeSantis doesn't want you to know that because that would blow his cover. He's now so full of himself that he just cannot stop. He is busy building ideological state in his own image and likeness. 

While some say DeSantis is following the lead of Hungary's strongman, Viktor Orban, others liken him to Vladimir Putin, particularly where the legislation on cultural issues are concerned. 

05 Banning transgender care

if you didn't think Florida's little dictator could get any uglier, you should think again as Florida has now banned gender-affirming care for children under the age of 18. No exceptions for children contemplating suicide. Simply do nothing is the message; ignore it. This is a disastrous position to take.

In spite of the fact that DeSantis and his anti-science lapdog surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, are trying to legislate biological reality away, children who are gay will continue to be gay, and youth who identify as transgender will continue to do so.

Ladapo's directive is lacking in scientific evidence (just as his COVID advice was) and is based on what has been described as "moral panic."

All of this results in an ethical conflict for doctors who must decide between what the state wants and what respected medical experts agree, and research has confirmed, is the appropriate action. Simply put, gender-affirming care and social transitions can improve the mental health and general well-being of transgender children and adolescents.

Denying this care to children in this position is what any empathetic person would consider child abuse. Children should be seen and heard, particularly since a new study shows that transgender children know exactly who they are.

06 Restrictive abortion ban

Not to be outdone by other right-wing oppressors in Texas and Oklahoma, DeSantis' banner month of April also served up a 15-week abortion ban, which he gleefully signed as the protector of babies in the womb. This replaced Florida's previous 24-week abortion ban.

The legislation does not make an exception for cases of rape, incest or human trafficking. As always, men find a way to insist women should consider these pregnancies a blessing. It's easy to say when the other half of the baby-making equation gets to walk away the vast majority of the time.

It does make provisions if the woman's life or health are endangered. (She must be kept alive to give birth somewhere down the road and propagate the earth.) It also makes an exception for fetal abnormalities discovered after 15 weeks, but only with the approval of two doctors who state that a child will die shortly after birth.

As is always the case, marginalized women will have the added burden of traveling out of state to get their medical care.

The bill is modeled after the Mississippi legislation, which is the bill that is currently under consideration by the Supreme Court. There is no optimism on this one with a stacked ultra-conservative Supreme Court. It is anticipated that Roe v. Wade will be overturned sometime during the summer. If this is the case, it will take decades to overturn this decision, if ever.

DeSantis is test driving authoritarian rule

If states are considered the laboratories for democracy; they can also be the proving ground for authoritarianism

Whether you compare DeSantis to Vladimir Putin or Viktor Orban of Hungary doesn't much matter. Both are authoritarians. Just as Louis Brandeis believed that the states are laboratories for democracy, so are they the proving ground for authoritarianism. DeSantis seems to be thriving with his experiment to turn Florida into a blended microcosm of both Russia and Hungary. What was once a classic "swing" state is now a GOP autocracy in full bloom.

What has contributed to the little despot's success is the control he wields over the Florida legislature. In an unprecedented move, they caved in and handed DeSantis the reins on redistricting. The resulting redistricting map, which was then approved by the spineless Florida legislature is why gerrymandering laws were passed to begin with. The new map guarantees that the Democrats will lose three house seats.

Voting rights groups have already filed suit against the state of Florida over the redistricting maps drawn by DeSantis. It is hard to defend the redistricting plan as being anything but politically motivated and a case of racial gerrymandering.

For the benefit of those not paying attention since Donald Trump LOST power, this is what is known as a 'soft coup.' No violence involved. And Florida isn't the only GOP state making these moves. A soft coup requires making it difficult for those who will not vote GOP to vote at all.

Make no mistake about any of this. If it doesn't work peacefully, the current GOP will have no problem with a repeat performance of January 6, 2021. We are well on our way to a right-wing fascist government. It can happen here.

But engineering the vote doesn't stop with redistricting. Hundreds of laws have been passed in 43 states designed to make voting more difficult by limiting mail, early in-person, and Election Day voting.  

DeSantis has also set up a special police force to guard against what he calls election fraud. In a bow to Trump, he's wasting taxpayer dollars to the tune of about $5 million in a state where there were virtually no issues the last time around.

"I don't think there is any other place in the country where you should have more confidence that your vote counts than in the state of Florida." These were the words of DeSantis at the bill's signing. So, why was there a need for the law? The short answer is, there was no real need. 'Election Fraud' fever has gripped Republican voters who have bought into Trump's Big Lie. The bill doesn't benefit the voters in the least, but it does benefit Ron DeSantis and the GOP.

The bill is clearly political posturing for the more radical wing of his party, which pressured him after the 2020 election to conduct a forensic audit. Florida residents cast 11 million votes in 2020, with only 262 voter fraud complaints (of which only 75 were referred to law enforcement).

No, this bill isn't about protecting the integrity of Florida's elections.

In fact, SB 524 has created confusion and instilled fear in election workers, who want to avoid financial penalties. In short, this legislation is about voter suppression, not election integrity, and that's why it was passed so quickly. 

DeSantis is not only running for reelection in Florida but is also considering a run for the presidency in 2024. If he does run and win the presidency, you can expect him to expand the great authoritarian experiment nationally.

DeSantis displays vindictive nature in Disney feud

Messing with The Mouse

Prior to passing his oppressive legislation against LGBTQ+ and transgender Americans, Disney wasn't even on DeSantis' radar. As they say, payback is a bitch, and DeSantis has learned a lot from his mentor. When Disney took a stand against the "Don't Say Gay" legislation, it became a target for DeSantis, and his legislature took up arms on his behalf, stripping Disney of its status as an "independent special district." This status was granted to them in 1967 under a Republican governor, no less. Under this status, Disney provided itself all services: electricity, water, roads, as well as police and fire protection. The district even taxed itself to take care of these services. DeSantis' vindictive posturing may very well cost his taxpayers dearly. You can read the details here. There is also the possibility that DeSantis' move will not stand up in court.

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