Activist Groups

The Purveyors of Hate Go Mainstream

Hate is out of the closet here in America and, just as hate has gone mainstream, so have those groups who promote it and encourage it. They labor in obscurity no more. The Ku Klux Klan, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers all take to the streets full of white pride and anti-Semitic, anti-gay, and anti-trans ideology, encouraged by the administration of Donald Trump. And in Trump's absence, the GOP is stepping up to the plate and helping to normalize hatred in America.

We will cover some of these groups here in this section, but we encourage you to look at the links and follow The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Right Wing Watch, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

No Longer Flying Under The Radar

Donald Trump's administration didn't make America great again. It made America hate again.

At the beginning of his term, most people saw Donald Trump as a cartoon, a reality TV star, who was more of a joke than anything. The joke was on all of us. In just four short and painful years, Trump managed to make America hate again with his anti-immigrant campaign, his embrace of hate groups like The Proud Boys, his propaganda about the

election being stolen from him, and his violent rhetoric. In short, Donald Trump let the genie out of the bottle, and it will take all of us to put the genie back where it belongs. 

 We will be covering several of the groups that have come out of the closet in America, including the America First Foundation, The Proud Boys, and The Oath Keepers.

“I wish Putin was president of America.”

-Nick Fuentes, white supremacist leader of America First Foundation

At the root of all this is white supremacy, Christian nationalism...and our complacency

People who believed that all we had to do to save America was defeat Trump in the election were more than just a little naive. He left behind moral and political rot steeped in his own brand of Trumpian fascism.

The continual demonization of immigrants and people of color has led to the normalization of white supremacy, so much so, in fact, that they are serving in our government and are on the ballot for future elections.

Millions of Americans now say they support violence in order to return Trump to power. Be afraid. If they do not win in 2024 with a "soft" political coup, they will be happy to take another run at overthrowing the government using violent means. Anybody who believes otherwise hasn't been paying attention.

Not to be ignored is the power of Christian nationalism, the driving force behind the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the destruction of the public school system (discussed later on this site). Here we are in 2022 and the simple fact is that corporations now have more rights than women. It is mystifying to me how women and their so-called allies can remain so complacent in the face of all this. I'm terrified not only for myself, but for my children.

Jim Crow laws are also back in vogue across this country. Legislation has been passed that makes it difficult for people of color to vote, including oppressive ID requirements, voter intimidation and harassment, and limiting access to polling locations.

Our continued complacency will ensure the total destruction of American democracy.

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