J6 Insurrection, 2021

The January 6 Insurrection

The January 6th Insurrection

The months of lies and propaganda about the 2020 election being stolen fomented by a desperate would-be despot and his enablers in the right-wing media unleashed a violent fury on the Capitol not seen since the War of 1812

"On this point, there is no room for debate. Those who invaded our Capitol and battled law enforcement for hours were motivated by what President Trump had told them: That the election was stolen, and that he was the rightful president. President Trump summoned the mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack."

-Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming), Co-Chair, January 6 Committee

The events before, during, and after the January 6 insurrection do actually matter because democracy is fragile

Ron Reagan does an excellent job of explaining the dangers of returning the seditionist insurrection-supporting GOP members to power in this video.

The events of January 6, 2021 should be indelibly marked in our minds, but the American public suffers from an out-of-sight, out-of-mind mentality. The insurrection following Donald Trump's 2020 election loss must not be allowed to fade from our memories. It was, without a doubt, an assault on our very existence as a nation, a deliberate attempt to overturn a legitimate election in order to keep a dime-store dictator in power. Moreover, as the attack he called for was taking place, Donald Trump made an effort to keep security forces away from the Capitol building. This is, in fact, treason.

Over the past year and a half, the January 6 Committee has interviewed hundreds of people, poured over thousands upon thousands of pages of documents, memos and emails and recently begun a public airing of their findings. It is incumbent on all of us to educate ourselves on the events of that day and why they happened. It is critical that everyone who planned, orchestrated, supported, made excuses for, and invaded the Capitol building that day be held accountable for their actions. 

While it is tempting to think it's over because it didn't happen yesterday, do not go there. It is not over. There are seditionists serving in our government right now. Literally 147 out of 221 of the current legislators in the GOP voted to overturn a legitimate election and, in spite of the clear evidence that suggests otherwise, continue to foment the lie that it wasn't an attempted coup, but "legitimate political discourse." There was nothing legitimate about the events of January 6, 2021.

We are presenting some of the information here, with links to several websites that are tracking what has been going on far better than we can. The J6 Committee made it clear that their investigation is not over yet. This will remain a dynamic, ever-changing section as we move forward.  

Follow the Washington Post's insurrection coverage here.

The GOP has made every pathetic excuse in the book to create a revisionist history of the events which took place on January 6, 2021

ProPublica did a fantastic job making a video accounting of what happened on January 6, 2021, from those who participated in the insurrection and posted their videos on Parler, a far right-wing social media site. You can see it here.

Donald Trump and his acolytes in the GOP have made every excuse in the book to redefine the events that took place in our nation's capital on January 6, 2021. None of these excuses hold up.

First, it was antifa and Black Lives Matter who pretended to be Trump supporters, infiltrated the white supremacists, militias and related domestic terrorists and led the attack. Then, it was a simple question of government overreacting and making 'political prisoners' out of peaceful patriots. Another popular excuse is that it was originally peaceful, but it just got out of hand. Still, others called it "legitimate political discourse" and are still doing that even after evidence shown in the first televised J6 Committee hearing put that one to bed.

The forefathers, with whom the GOP claims to have a personal alliance, warned us about the fragility of democracy. In fact, George Washington warned us about the very dangers that men like Donald Trump pose to America, and the members of the GOP who continue to carry the torch for their fascist leader.

These so-called "leaders" have happened in other nations, and no citizen in their wildest dreams ever thought their nation would end up where it did. The same situation exists here right now, and the worst possible reaction that the American public can have to all of it is that "it's over now" attitude. It is not over. In fact, a failed coup is just the beginning: A dress rehearsal. They are already preparing for 2024.

"So tonight, and over the next few weeks, we're going to remind you of the reality of what happened that day. But our work must do much more than just look backwards. Because our democracy remains in danger. The conspiracy to thwart the will of the people is not over."

-Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MI), Chair, January 6 Committee

The January 6 Committee: A Partisan Affair?

Let's put this nonsense to rest right now; the GOP had every opportunity to join a totally bipartisan effort to investigate the events of January 6

Let there be no mistake about this: The GOP had ample opportunity to participate in a bipartisan commission, similar to the 9/11 commission, to investigate the events of January 6, 2021. In May of last year, after the House came to agreement, the Senate voted that down. And again, the Democrats did not have enough of a majority to stop the GOP obstruction of this commission.

Nancy Pelosi then went back to work and started the commission you see today. She rejected several of the people Kevin McCarthy proposed for that version of the commission because they were staunch supporters of Trump, namely Jim Jordan (Ohio) and Jim Banks (Indiana). This gave McCarthy the opportunity to decline cooperation.

At the end of the day, the committee went to work with seven Democrats and two Republicans, Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. Both Republicans were censured for their cooperation, which speaks volumes about where the GOP's loyalty lies. Is it party or country? We think the answer is clear.

Of course, the hope on the part of the GOP was that there would be absolutely no investigation. We'd just put it away in a box somewhere and forget about it. Nancy Pelosi did the right thing. This was something that could not go ignored, and we'd like to remind everyone that the Congress is not a legal arm. It is an investigatory arm. They are acting within the realm of their jobs, regardless of whether or not the GOP chose to participate. They could have. They simply didn't, and they never intended to. We believe they knew from the beginning that the Senate would kill the idea. McCarthy then chose to take his ball and go home.

So, the GOP, led by the spineless Kevin McCarthy and obstructionist Mitch McConnell, now gets to claim that the investigation is flawed, a partisan affair and a "witch hunt." It is one that they solely created, and to think that the events of that day should be put in a box and hidden is absurd. We came very close to a successful coup, and the danger still exists.

We talk about that threat throughout this website. If they cannot steal the next election peacefully via voter suppression and stacking key election positions (Secretary of State, for example) with Trump supporters, what is to stop a repeat of the insurrection. The short answer is nothing.


Insurrection Timeline

There is plenty of information to be had on the events of January 6, 2021 from several sources. Clearly, evidence shows that this was not a peaceful protest that simply got out of hand. It was anything but. We are presenting what we consider to be the best places to dig into the plethora of information available to the American public.

Just Security

Just Security is tracking the insurrection from a number of different perspectives, and is an incredible repository of information for researchers, teachers, journalists, and the public at large. Check out their January 6 Clearinghouse.

Just Security

Sedition Hunters

Sedition Hunters tracks the perpetrators still on the run from their participation in the events of January 6, 2021.

Sedition Hunters

Sedition Trackers

Sedition Trackers also tracks those charged and those still on the run from the events of January 6, 2021

Sedition Trackers


Accountable tracks corporate donations in general, but also has a section dealing with corporate donors to seditionist legislators.



Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (aka, CREW) is tracking corporate donors to what is known as the sedition caucus.


The J6 Committee

The Select Committee will be referenced here and on the subsequent page with their findings as they move along.

J6 Committee

This section will see frequent updates as this case progresses.

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