Project Veritas

Project Veritas

Project Veritas is not a legitimate news source, and it's owner is not a journalist

Project Veritas is a right-wing political operation, not a legitimate news source; James O'Keefe can be called a lot of things -- agent provocateur or right-wing instigator, for starters -- but never a journalist

The term Veritas, plain and simple, means truth. And that is why it should not be used in conjunction with any operation that is run by James O'Keefe, right-wing agent provocateur and master bullshit artist. According to Project Veritas, the organization's goal is to expose corrupt media sources, but it seems that Project Veritas itself is continually being caught in the act. Its methods, to say the least, are more than just a little suspect and shady. They often create the news stories they then cover. That is not the way legitimate news sources and investigative journalism works.

Who is James O'Keefe?

James O'Keefe has described himself as an investigative journalist and a filmmaker. Whatever he calls himself, he is not an investigative journalist. O'Keefe is nothing more than another right-wing political operative, hack and a dirty trickster in a long line of them stretching back to Donald Segretti of Watergate fame. He and his hired operatives attempt to bait their targets into making incriminating and/or embarrassing statements while secretly videotaping them. Their heavy-handed attack pieces focus mostly on liberal entities they can stereotype, like welfare recipients trying to "scam" the system or illegal immigrants.

O'Keefe's Attempt at Undermining the 2020 Election

This right-wing grifter spent considerable effort working to undermine the 2020 election on behalf of the Grand Kahuna of grifters

You can read about Project Veritas' election antics in Georgia here.

Project Veritas is not new to attempting to influence elections. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was the target. In 2020, they were back to their old tricks, releasing dozens of videos both before and after the election focusing on non-existent election fraud, fully in support of Trump's Big Lie. Although most of these videos were easily and quickly debunked, they were picked up by right-wing media outlets and viewed by millions over and over on Twitter and YouTube.

The first target was in Minnesota in late September 2020, where two videos were released alleging massive voter fraud. The first video alleged a massive "cash-for-ballots" scheme that O'Keefe connected to Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, the first Somali American and Muslim woman elected to Congress and, therefore, the perfect choice for an O'Keefe target. Even though it was debunked, it received over a million views on YouTube. The second video supposedly detailing a money exchange for votes was also debunked quickly but received about half a million views. In this world, every YouTube talking head is a "truther' and debunking doesn't matter once the information is in the public arena.

It didn't seem to matter that one of the men involved in the video turned down a bribe from Project Veritas while the video was in production and that part of the video where the money was changing hands was staged. Welcome to the O'Keefe version of "veritas." Yet, he and his acolytes will keep telling you he's exposing this kind of stuff and that he's a legitimate investigative journalist.

Come October, the Veritas video venue switched to Texas, where multiple videos were released. One focused on a woman named Raquel Rodriguez, identified only as a consultant for Republican congressional candidate Mauro Garza. The videos claimed, again, without evidence, that Rodriguez participated in illegal ballot collection and "bought" votes and showed her helping one person -- a family member -- to vote for a Democrats.

Rodriguez actually wrote a letter to Project Veritas confessing that she purposely gave them false information because she didn't trust them. The footage in question was Rodriguez helping her aunt vote the way she wanted to vote. There was nothing illegal about it.

Of course, again, this was picked up by right-wing media as legitimate, including by Sinclair Broadcasting Group, which was known to push conservative misinformation on a variety of subjects across the stations it controls.

From Texas, we switch venues, where O'Keefe alleges that the U.S. Postal Service participated in backdated ballots not only in Pennsylvania, but in Michigan. There is also an allegation in the state of Nevada that a postal worker offered a Veritas operative a blank ballot. All of the videos are short, heavily edited, and provide absolutely no evidence to back up the claims, standard operating procedure for Project Veritas. These too were all debunked.

We are not trying to reinvent the information wheel here. You can read all about Project Veritas and the 2020 election in much more detail in this report from Media Matters for America.

Dirty Tricks and Misinformation Now Weaved into Our Fabric

One would have to consider the digital age both a blessing and a curse. These days, mostly a curse. As I mentioned, James O'Keefe isn't a journalist. He's another in a long line of dirty political tricksters, but there's a difference. At one time, being exposed as such not only brought the perpetrator down, but those he was associated with. And again, I float the name Donald Segretti out there, a central figure in Watergate. Today, misinformation, outright lies and shady video "evidence" turns these grifters into heroes for a misguided and brainwashed American public that finds conspiracies and evil around every corner. The 2020 election meddling isn't the only shady plot hatched by Project Veritas.

Diamond Dog

We did not focus on this in the above information about PV's election meddling. With the onset of the pandemic, in-person voting became a dicey proposition, making mail-in ballots more important to the 2020 election. Enter Project Veritas, this time with a direct line to the narrative being spun from Donald Trump's White House, with Tweets like the election should be delayed because universal mail-in voting will result in "the greatest Rigged Election in history!"

In short, the entire point of this operation was "literally to get Trump reelected," according to a source close to Project Veritas. Yes, for the most part, PV is a comic book of incompetence, but that's enough in today's world to make it a very dangerous operation. In 2019, their misinformation war chest rose to $13.44 million, coming from high rollers in the Republican Party.

All of the details on Diamond Dog can be found here in this report by The New Republic.

Destroying ACORN 

In spite of all PV's miscues, O'Keefe did have one success, and that was the destruction of ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now). This group helped out low-income families by providing economic advice, lobbying, and voter-registration drives. Right off the bat, you have to know that it was not popular with the GOP, particularly 2008 candidate John McCain who was convinced that (wait for it) ACORN existed merely to steal elections from the rightful winners, otherwise known as Republicans. Sound familiar? This paranoia has been around for a very long time.

Details on this takedown are hard to find, but we do have some references. Basically, O'Keefe and an associate, Hannah Giles posed as a pimp and a prostitute who visited ACORN trying to get information about how to get free medical care for prostitutes coming into the country, as well as how to avoid taxes. Some low-level ACORN employees gave them advice. The resulting videos were a national sensation and made the rounds of the right-wing media outlets. 

In fact, O'Keefe's questions were vague, the videos were highly edited and the responses from ACORN employees were edited together to achieve the intended goal. At the beginning of one video O'Keefe is shown dressed like a pimp you'd see in the movies. That was edited into the video to make the ACORN employees look clueless. He never actually wore that absurd get-up into the ACORN offices.

In spite of the fact that PV's sting was clearly a hit job, the employees in the video who responded inappropriately were fired, and a resulting report showed no wrongdoing or misuse of funds by the organization itself, a GOP-controlled legislature defunded ACORN, and it went into bankruptcy in 2010.

The only kernel of truth in all of this smear job is that low-income families do not vote Republican, and the Project Veritas hit job came after a successful ACORN voter-registration drive.


Infiltrating progressive groups is another big agenda item for Project Veritas. The New York Times reported in 2020 that Erik Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and a security consultant with close ties to Donald Trump, recruited former veteran spies for undercover operations infiltrating progressive groups under the direction of Project Veritas.

A former MI-6 agent infiltrated the Michigan office of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the country's largest teachers' unions, and copied files as well as recorded conversations.

The same infiltrator would also go undercover in the congressional campaign of now-Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va). When the campaign discovered what was going on, the agent was fired.

Members of Project Veritas, including James O'Keefe himself, were invited to Eric Prince's family ranch in Wyoming for training in 2017. O'Keefe posted photos of the training on Instagram. Prince wanted to teach PV's members various intelligence tactics, such as how to recruit sources and how to conduct clandestine recordings.

According to O'Keefe, Donald Trump tried to recruit him to get into Columbia University and get Barack Obama's sealed college records. O'Keefe further stated that Trump "suspected Obama had presented himself as a foreign student on application materials to ease his way into New York's Columbia University, maybe even Harvard too, and perhaps picked up a few scholarships along the way."

O'Keefe said that he turned Trump down, saying it was not in their line of work and the considered themselves to be journalists. That's rich. They're not even close, and their history proves that such operations are indeed in their line of work.

Learn more about Project Veritas

Learn more about James O'Keefe, Project Veritas, its methods and its operatives by visiting Project Veritas Exposed.

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